A charity using art to change health experience…

Borne from a vision by one doctor who experienced both sides of the stethoscope and wanted to use art to address health inequalities…

A revolutionary way to change the experience if life changing disease…

Prevention of disease is not limited to pre-diagnosis. We recognise that every day young people are facing their mortality - being diagnosed with life changing or incurable disease.

We are here to provide support, education and awareness to know how to navigate the new world that is post-diagnosis.

Preventing secondary complications of isolation, mental health, disease progression…


Deliver innovative art campaigns to capture real voices, real experiences of disease. Raising awareness, sharing messages of hope and strength. Our 2024 Scars of Gold campaign focuses on Women’s health inequalities.

Building an online platform of support, resources and toolkits for a vast range of conditions for patients, carers and families. Offering webinars, events and education programmes to change how young people experience facing life altering or incurable disease.

Changing the way society views people with chronic diseases. Changing the way people facing their mortality find hope and strength. Encouraging communities to cross over to maximise awareness, support and empowerment.


Capturing voices of real people to share messages of hope through our Podcast.


Inspired by the Japanese art of Kintsugi, using gold to repair what appears broken to find something even more beautiful. A powerful photography series projecting the strength that lies beneath the scars of the 100 Voices.


Artists across the country have responded to an open call to contribute to a fundraising exhibition. Artworks inspired by the Voices to further resonate beyond words the messages of strength and empowerment.


Sharing the spotlight with charities that provide amazing support and work for the specific areas of health we are raising awareness of.


So many communities work in isolation; by covering a wider area of health (2024 women’s health) the messages of awareness reach new audiences to educate and increase social awareness. Fundraising through the campaign is shared between the 12 featured charities.

I’ve witnessed both personally and professionally what happens when people face life changing diagnoses. Sometimes seeing the strength of others who have walked the road before you helps you trust that you too can make it
— Dr Liz Murray, Founder


Liz was an NHS doctor for over 10 years, during which time she became acutely aware of multiple health inequalities both professionally and personally. After being diagnosed with mixed connective tissue disease (Lupus SLE related), recurrent miscarriages, Stage 4 Endometriosis requiring multiple surgeries, eventually Liz stepped away from a clinical facing role. Since the age of 18 Liz had worked as a freelance artist, and during the Covid-19 pandemic working frontline in Emergency Medicine Liz began to use her art to convey important messages regarding health which saw her recognition as an artist grow. When her son was born premature needing NICU after a traumatic delivery, Liz experienced PND. These experiences of realising the enormity of social stigmatisation of disease, gender related health inequalities and the need for better support planted the seed of an idea. Liz spent the next five years planning a way to use art on an enormous scale to shine a spotlight on the reality of what people are experiencing in an attempt to raise awareness, educate and provide support through sharing messages of hope and strength. Taking it one step further, Liz wanted to utilise the opportunity for creating such a large scale online and offline platform for health awareness to support other charities in a way never before done. Bringing together communities previously working in isolation (cancer, endometriosis, autoimmune) to increase the impact of education and awareness to change the stigma of disease and maximise the impact of the campaign.

Meet the Team

  • Helene Raynsford

    Patron - Paralympic Gold Medalist

  • Dr Liz Murray

    FOUNDER, Campaign Producer & Director

  • Sammy Weston

    PHOTOGRAPHER, Campaign Co-lead

  • Eleanor Howie


  • Amy Webber


  • Karianne Fox


  • Lisa Mendes


  • Mandy Chard

    AMBASSADOR, Communication Support

  • Nirusha Ridgwell

    AMBASSADOR & Event Support

  • Camilla Fellas Arnold

    AMBASSADOR, Editorial Support

  • Sarah Phillips

    AMBASSADOR, Logistical Support

  • Juliet FitzPatrick

    Volunteer, Administration Support



Follow the campaign as 2024 focusing on women’s health inequalities - women facing life changing or incurable disease at a young age.


Health information, support and education available. Including resources and other charities signposted for specialist support.

Health Topics Covered 2024

Cancer | Breast Cancer (primary and secondary) | Sarcoma | Vulva Cancer | Ovarian Cancer | Cervical Cancer | Myeloma | Lung Cancer | Skin Cancer | Autoimmune Disease | Lupus | Sjogrens | Connective Tissue Disease | Addion’s Disease | Thyroid Disease | Multiple Sclerosis | Neurological Disease | Endometriosis | Fibroids | Adenomyosis | Infertility | Surgically Induced Menopause | Medically Induced Menopause | Premature Menopause | Primary Ovarian Insufficiency | Baby/Pregnancy Loss | Ectopic Pregnancy | Birth Trauma | Postnatal Depression | Physical Trauma | Disability |



Support of Mortal And Strong goes toward continuing to raise awareness, education and support for people affected by life changing or incurable disease at a young age. Part of our mission is to provide grants to the spotlight charities to further enhance specialist support to individuals affected by the conditions we are covering with each campaign.
